Take the Pressure Down a Notch
How do you balance undue, stressful pressure on yourself with self-motivating goal driven pressure? This is my first video blog of 2015 and forms Monday Mindset for this week where we celebrated Australia Day. Would love to hear your thoughts on pressure!...
Inspired Women in History
During research, we often come across a woman in history who made an impression, left their mark, or was way ahead of their time. i often think how much I would love to talk with them to find out how they tackled the clear adversity they would have faced in a far more oppressed time.
Is Customer Service dying a slow death?
If you believe all the hype it seems apparent that never before has the consumer /customer held so much power. With retail suffering and many business grumbling about tough times I wondered if switched on businesses would make changes or try new strategies, but it in...
Ted Talks – 13 minute Presentation from Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
Hi Everyone, As promised at our Women with Altitude luncheon last week, I am posting the link to this thought provoking presentation from journalist Gayle Lemmon. We simply didn't have time to play the video at our event, hope you will have 13 minutes to spare today...
International Womens Day – What does it mean?
I have been working today on our upcoming event for Women with Altitude, A celebratory lunch for International Womens Day. As I researched this particular day I was surprised to learn that IWD has been observed since 1911. Pardon my ignorance.... Here are some...