Is Customer Service dying a slow death? | WWA

If you believe all the hype it seems apparent that never before has the consumer /customer held so much power. With retail suffering and many business grumbling about tough times I wondered if switched on businesses would make changes or try new strategies, but it in all my travels lately it seems perhaps not?

Little to no service, Staff that are rude or more importantly appear untrained  has been the norm and I’m starting to think that some businesses have just given up, or maybe its easier to complain  rather than be proactive or try something new.

Yesterday I walked into several retail shops. Four of them had only one staff member at the helm, wisely paring back on staffing costs I thought and understandable as none of the stores were busy. The first store a major fashion chain, had a young girl who was applying make up as I walked in. I asked a specific question about something in the window and clearly annoyed this person who had to stop what she was doing and go and find the item…. Sad really on two counts. 1. Are head offices not training in customer service anymore or are so disengaged from the front line that they have no idea that their brand reputation is being diminished?  Or have retailers just stopped caring? …. 2. This example is not new, but has mediocre service become the new normal? Have our expectations really been lowered that much?

A colleague of mine, a small business owner with not alot of time, recently wanted to get a new skirt. She wanted to be helped in a store by a switched on retail assistant and she set of for her local mall. She tells me that she walk into EVERY single clothing store and not at any time did anyone offer her any assistance… not one time. All of these store were large brand name stores and I counted 19 stores that she entered in her story.

The flip side of this coin is that I called a business this afternoon with a specific need and was delighted to find an engaged, friendly and informative person on the other end of the phone… I was so impressed that I placed my order on the spot and realized it had been so long since I had received great service and more importantly that I really wanted to give someone who is trying hard my business dollars.

What is your message to large retailers? Do you have a story to share?