by Andrea Turner | May 4, 2015 | Business Resources, Business Women's Network, Topical Discussion, Uncategorized
Your business is developing, or perhaps you’re a start up and don’t have staff yet. What kind of culture and environment are you going to create when you do take on team members? There is plenty written about great workspaces and enviable company cultures,...
by Andrea Turner | Apr 26, 2015 | Brave Magazine, Mind & Spirit, Topical Discussion, Women in Business
I’ve noticed lately that more and more women in the spotlight are speaking their truth out loud. Asking questions and challenging the unspoken status quo’s more than ever before. Sheryl Sandberg COO of Facebook and author of Lean In was interviewed with...
by Andrea Turner | Apr 20, 2015 | Mind & Spirit, Topical Discussion
You may have seen this week, the story and video that went viral on ESPN reporter, Britt McHenry, being rude to a towing company employee. Now debate is raging about how social media is becoming judge and jury, with calls coming from the public for her to lose her...
by Andrea Turner | Apr 6, 2015 | Mind & Spirit, Topical Discussion
Each week when I think about what I might talk about in next week’s Monday Mindset, I will often randomly open up a page in a book or have a conversation, or life happens that sets off a fire in my belly and a topic to talk about, usually around business or...
by Andrea Turner | Mar 30, 2015 | Events, Topical Discussion, Women in Business
When I was building the Complete Basketcase in the early years, I had a business partner alongside me, sharing the load, splitting all of the tasks. I recall a conversation from a competitor business whom we had befriended and were catching up over coffee. We were...
by Andrea Turner | Feb 9, 2015 | Business Resources, Topical Discussion
So the first episode of Shark Tank Australia aired last night and I am wondering what you all thought? For me watching there were a few things that popped out: On the positive, what a wonderful motivator for entrepreneurial dreamers, It makes business look exciting...
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