by Andrea Turner | Feb 27, 2017 | International Womens Day, Mind & Spirit, Topical Discussion
On the 8th of March, It’s International Women’s Day. Why do we celebrate International Women’s Day? I thought it was important to share the chronology of this day. The United Nations summarises the history: 1909 The first National Woman’s Day...
by Andrea Turner | Jan 23, 2017 | Connecting Women, Mind & Spirit, Topical Discussion, Women in Business
I’m compelled this morning to talk about the amazing turn out of people to the march on Washington on the weekend. I know its the USA and its not Australia, however the issues raised affect people all over the world and therefore important we listen. What a...
by Andrea Turner | Nov 21, 2016 | Mindset, Small Business, Topical Discussion, Uncategorized, Women in Business
Your Year in Review from Andrea Turner-Boys on Vimeo. Here are some questions to ponder. We will work them throughout social media over the next 30 days: 1. What is one single achievement you are most proud of? 2. What one fear did you push through or overcome? 3. If...
by Andrea Turner | Oct 3, 2016 | Connecting Women, Topical Discussion, Women in Business
When you put yourself out there, how do you feel? I chat with women who describe a sense of foreboding when they take that symbolic leap off the cliff ledge to put themselves out there, either for a promotion, starting a business or applying for an award, a grant or...
by Andrea Turner | Aug 15, 2016 | Mind & Spirit, Topical Discussion
Notice that the more we talk about sexism and gender inequality in public forums, the more we are starting to see the ‘outing’ of the subtle sexism that pops up constantly in our society and this week its the Olympics turn and the way that female athletes...
by Andrea Turner | Mar 28, 2016 | Topical Discussion
Now this wont be a post that is SEO correct nor will it be a reference in business circles, I guess that headlining with a rocket up our ass for change may sound crass, but I don’t care. I feel a strong surge inside that our country, that is our people, me...
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