by Sam Crisford-Eade | Oct 2, 2017 | Business Compliance, Communication, Monday Mindset, Problem Solving, Small Business, Women in Business
Lately a lot of people have been telling me how they do not like conflict and in many situations, will avoid it at all cost. Particularly in the workplace. The problem is the conflict is still out there, and as it is not addressed, it will grow. Resentment builds,...
by womenwithaltitude womenwithaltitude | Sep 11, 2017 | Business Compliance, Business Planning, Small Business, Starting a Business, Uncategorized
Last weekend we held a humble clothes swap for local people in our community. We decided to use the time to make some money for a local charity and chose the Queen of Hearts Foundation. We have raised just over $800 in a couple of hours, so thank you to everyone who...
by womenwithaltitude womenwithaltitude | Aug 14, 2017 | Mind & Spirit, Monday Mindset, Small Business, Social Media, Topical Discussion, Uncategorized
Like most of the world, I am on social media. I find it fascinating and sometimes I have a love/hate relationship with it. As we evolve with this strange beast in our lives, I have been wondering about the etiquette and how this is changing. When I started my first...
by womenwithaltitude womenwithaltitude | Jun 26, 2017 | Business Resources, Financial Goals, Monday Mindset, Small Business, Starting a Business, Topical Discussion, Uncategorized
One of the most common talking points or questions I am asked is around timing in my business. How long will it take to get to where I want to be? How long did it take before you started paying yourself, employing staff, making a profit, etc.? One of the things that I...
by Andrea Turner | Apr 3, 2017 | Mind & Spirit, Mindset, Small Business, Topical Discussion, Women in Business
Happy Monday! It is wonderful to be back home after a week travelling in NZ for the festival of Molly ( My daughters 13th birthday). I must be truthful and share that it wasn’t restful, wrangling a husband (he was easy), two children and two grandparents were a...
by Andrea Turner | Mar 27, 2017 | Mind & Spirit, Mindset, Small Business, Start Ups, Topical Discussion, Uncategorized
This week’s Mindset, I was inspired by some incredible conversations last week. The first one is Sandy Golder and her incredibly honest post, Sandy recently shared on Facebook. Sandy realised that she was dimming her light, suppressing or editing herself when...
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