Andrea Turner | WWA

Sharing your story in business

One area that I think we miss sometimes is the importance of our story in our business. I recently met up with a colleague who I knew had an interesting story about how she got into her industry. My colleague was hesitant about talking about her story, she was...

Strategies for Setting Pricing (Part 2)

Last week we tackled the big topic of strategies for pricing. We talked about how we must stop undervaluing ourselves and our work. Another of my key points went a little against what the textbooks advise – In setting your pricing, you must check in internally...

Using Social Media for Good

Happy New year to all. Last night I decided to plug into social media and take a peak at the lay of the land. I had disconnected from SM over Christmas, so I could eyeball my family and strengthen some frayed bonds with my girls and hubby after a huge year and a mad...