Andrea Turner | WWA

Diary of an Altitude Ball

Good morning everyone, I have to be honest, Im coming to you this morning from you guessed it BED…Im having a couple of days rest and I thought it would be good to have a debrief with you. I wanted to thank you so much for your support of the Altitude Ball and I...

Are You Ready for the Disruptors?

I love the business disruptors who are shaking up technology and the way we interact with it. I don’t resist it, I thirst for knowledge. The trick I need to master is wrapping my brain around how something works. 12 year olds already know how so many...

Rocket Up Our Ass For Change

Now this wont be a post that is SEO correct nor will it be a reference in business circles, I guess that headlining with a rocket up our ass for change may sound crass, but I don’t care. I feel a strong surge inside that our country, that is our people, me...

Small Business vs Big Business

Today I’m thankful that I’m in small business. Whilst it can be over- whelming and all consuming, at least we can be nimble, personable and above all flexible with our products and services. We have the ability to build relationship with our clients in...