Seize Your Opportunity… TODAY | WWA

This year I feel like I’m going through a metamorphosis. Years of detrimental self-talk or immobilising fear or anxiety has been under the spotlight for some time, and I feel like I’m finally shedding those demons that don’t work for me or hold me back. I’m not going about this in a shouty way; rather it’s a quiet and steely determination, a purpose in my stride. I’m shaking with fear; I have days when I’m feeling so overwhelmed I can’t function, and yet I’m forging forward, feeling the fear right down to my bones and I’m doing it anyway.

Tomorrow is simply not promised, and time is slipping by. It’s time to grasp the opportunities that are presented to you, be open to what’s on offer and take that leap of faith. The Altitude Awards are the perfect example. Don’t wait or feel that you are not ready, or not good enough or big enough or long enough or blah blah blah. Please don’t let illusions, chatter or others opinions stand in your way; they just don’t matter. You are living your life; this is your ride… journey….path – whatever you want to call it. It is yours! If you feel like you would like to deliver a talk, write an article, apply for that new position, tell someone you love them, why are you holding back? This is what I’m asking myself right now.

You go girl; you can do this, whatever your ‘this’ is, you can do it.
Until next week

Big Hugs
Andy xxxx