Monday Mindset – Taking off my armour | WWA

Stretching myself today

In an nod to Tracey Spicer, a wonderful Australian journalist who struck a chord with women around the world when she delivered a TedX talk about taking off armour. The armour in question? The daily routine many women go through daily. The hair, the clothing, the makeup all taking up our precious time, eating into our productivity and covering up whom we really are. I relate to this so well. I’m aware of the feeling of ‘putting on my face’ to the word before I go to work or out and about. I recognise my armour. I recognise that I can hide behind my makeup and especially my hair LOL So today I recorded a video blog, unmasked!  As silly as this may sound it was huge test for me. Videoing myself without makeup, without my hair being done, and without fancy clothes on ! But this year is all about being courageous, so I did it!

I’m not the gorgeous Tracey Spicer, and I know there are lots of women out there like me …. I’m sure….. I hope. Oh and I’m not going to video blog every week with no make up on Helen Sweeney!

In her lifetime a women may spend 3,276 hours getting ready, putting on makeup for work or career. See Tracey’s fabulous ted talk below.

Tracey Spicer- Telling it like it is


Share your selfies, your thoughts – masks  and armour down!