Why Join a Business Network? | WWA

This is a question that my members share with me a lot. They talk mostly the ‘will’ I ‘won’t I’ process they went through when first considering joining a network. So why should you ? Why would you? – Before I start sounding like a Dr Zuess picture book I think its important to step back and look at the perceptions and beliefs that are still out there asserting their influence.

1980’s – Rah Rah:
The excessive 80’s saw the rise of multi level marketing, get rich quick schemes – Highly in your face, shiny smiley overly positive people that had chants and gatherings that certainly were OTT. The biggest bug bear about the type of people they attracted were fake fake fake fake – Hear the voice of Elaine Bennis, and see her finger in the air ( sorry Seinfeld fan moment) The point is that if its not authentic, we don’t build trust. The word networking got a bad name due to pushy sales people and so we are still a bit stand offish today when we hear the term.

Also as women, these networks were often testosterone heavy, we weren’t taken seriously and it made us feel uncomfortable and out of our comfort zone in a REALLY uncomfortable way.

So What is a Network?
If you are in business, or work in corporate, the bottom line is that people do business with people they know and trust. Certainly people will do MORE business with people they like and feel that they have a professional connection with. More and more people have started their own businesses, consultancies or need to expand their reach and Business Networks are places that you can go and meet other business people, make professional connection etc.

Now I should point out its not dating… although it can feel daunting and sometimes like your on display. A good network will have some great structure and great welcoming people to help you settle and in feel comfortable. At most meetings you have an opportunity to meet new people, hopefully have some fun, and hear some great information either from a speaker or member sharing. There are plenty of formats. My suggestion is try out a few, Most will welcome you to try  them out before you commit to joining. Find your tribe, go with you gut.

I witness daily, fabulous connections that are developing with members. Great support, collaborations, alliances and marketing partnerships. The key especially with women who are juggling sooooo much. Is find the time. Do it regularly. This is DOUBLE for someone working solo. You wont regret it especially if you find a great network with authentic people who want everyone to shine. Here’s a checklist for finding a great network:

• Check out the leaders – are they friendly, approachable
• How were you treated when you were there?
• Are there good member benefits?
• Do they support your business to grow?
• Do they offer extra programs or one on one ways for you to connect?
• What are the people like that go there? Is there like mindedness?

Obviously I am coming from the Women with Altitude space. I think we have all of the above and more. We look after not just your business success but your overall well being. We want to support our sisters in business. There are other networks out there and something for everybody. Explore!
