Be open to Inspiration | WWA

Happy long weekend!. This week I want to write about signs. Do you believe in them? I do. Its not sound science, and for me has no formal religious basis, but I do believe that the universe/spirit/whateveryouwanttocallit speaks to us when we need or when we ask. Whether its just the reticular part of my brain making me notice things or whether its a fluke or coincidence, I have had too many occasions in my life where I have felt supported or inspired by signs or events and that makes me a believer. For example the time in my life when I was working and a mum and I lived alone. Things were very tight and I was between jobs. It was a moment of despair really when I realised that I had run out of money literally ( I was down to my last 5 dollars) and for some unknown reason I went to the atm and popped my card in. (I don’t know why because there was only $18 in my bank account, less than the minimum to  withdraw) I did an account balance and to my total shock, there was over $1500 in my account… Ill never forget it. Turned out there had been an error with my tax and centrelink, and they had corrected the error before I had received notification. For me the sign was youre okay, you are supported, something will always show up.

Similarly this weekend, I had been feeling a little flat. Overwhelmed by some of my work ahead and I had that familiar creep of ‘can I really do this’ come over me this weekend. Moments ago, I mindlessly flicked on the ABC and a gorgeous 3 minute segment called open came on. It was a profile on a young 27 year old man who is a guide in the National Park in Alice Springs. Matthew is wheelchair bound and is a prime example of living his dream not matter what the perceived limitation. That would be enough to inspire, but there was something else. Matthew Turner is his name, Matt for short. For those of you who dont know, I had a brother Matthew Turner known as Matt, who died in a car accident 21 years ago. As I watched this inspiring young man, who was described as always happy always smiling – I laughed. This was exactly how my little bro was described. For me in that moment, I felt it was my little brother was sending me a note, You can do anything sis, keep smiling and keep believing. Whether you believe in my take on the universe or not doesn’t really matter, whether it really is a sign or not we will never know, but it spoke to me and I draw inspiration from that.

If you’re interested, here is the snippet from ABC’s open

Hope wherever you are you’re having a brilliant day
Huge hugs

Andrea x