Advice on Nice… | WWA

Back from a refreshing break where I re-connected with my hubby and kids, I have been reflecting today on the position of ‘nice’  and how being ‘nice’ affects the behaviour and outcomes of others.

I think it would be fair to say that Im a ‘nice’ person. Congenial, pretty even mood and temperament, I like people to be happy,  convivial, and I recognise that I have a tendency to be a little too agreeable and can people please to my own detriment.

Those are the things I know about myself, but what about when you notice how your ‘niceness’ is viewed or taken advantage at by others?  Have you ever experienced that? Your ‘nice’ tendencies give the impression that you are easily manipulated, or a soft target, when in fact the opposite can be true.

I’ve certainly had my share of experiences where I have felt pressured or manipulated by a strong, dominant person who believes that I will agree, appease or not challenge the status quo. As I have matured I have become stronger and yet Im still learning when and how to push back.

We cant control another’s behaviour, but when you feel a dominant person pressuring you, you can buy yourself some distance and time. Experiment with ‘I would like some time to think about this’ or ‘I will come back to you’ These 2 sentences can be powerful weapons in your arsenal to prevent being bamboozled or taken advantage of because your so ‘nice’

Im proud of being a nice person, nice girls can finish first, we just have to be aware of those with hidden agendas that want to manipulate.

Until next week

Andy x